Tic Tac Toe Run on Repl.it

Command line based Tic Tac Toe game build with Ruby


Getting Started

To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.


Since all the code is written using ruby Ruby Runtime >= 1.9 ruby is required to interpret the code. if you don’t have ruby runtime installed on your computer follow the instruction for your specific operating system on the official installation guide


Game Rules

  1. The game is played on a grid that’s 3 * 3 square of tiles
  2. Each player registers into the game by providing his/her name and their prefered symbol for use to mark the tiles
  3. First player to get 3 of his/her marks in a row (horizontally, Vertically or diagonally) is the winner
  4. When all 9 tiles are full but if no player has 3 marks in a row, the game ends in a tie

Clean Up

if you are done playing the game and want to clean all the artifacts created, run this command on the root directory of the project ./reset.sh


  1. /bin/bash^M: bad interpreter: No such file or directory when running ./setup.sh run the following command on the root directory of project

    sed -i -e 's/\r$//' setup.sh reset.sh


👤 Mikael Araya

🤝 Contributing

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Feel free to check the issues page.

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📝 License

This project is MIT licensed.