bionic event Dapp
event ticket buying & selling DApp built for ethereum using solidity as backend and angular 7 for user interface. the app has features that let users perform event related tasks such as.
- event organizers can create events.
- organizers can sell ticket and accept payments using ethereum.
- allow event organizers to validate users tickets.
- event attendess can purchase ticket to there favorite event.
- allow ticket to transfer to other users with ethereum account.
- organizers can cancel events they have created.
- search for events available.
Development Tools.
the project is developed using different technologies.
- node.js
- angular 7.
- solidity 5
- ganache-cli
- metamask
- truffle
Enviroment setup
- UI enviroment requirement.
to start using the app first you have to install node 8 <= for further installation guid visit nodejs.
after installing node in your enviroment install angular cli using npm or yarn what ever you prefer. i have used npm while developing the project.
install angular cli by runing the code below.
npm install -g @angular/cli
for more information on how to setup angular visit Angular. finally we need ethereum client to connect to the ethereum network, for that install google crome ** metamask ** extention go to the following link to install metamask extention metamask after completeing the above the enviroment requirment for the user interface has been met. next is setting up the enviroment for the backend/api.
- Backen / API requirement.
in order to use the backend there are few applications that need to be installing. first make sure you have web3 installed globaly by runnig
npm install -g web3
then for local ethereum network simulation the app uses ganache follow the following link to install ganache on your workspace ganache. the next step is to install truffle framework used for writing smart contract. execute the following line of code to install truffle on your global enviroment.npm install -g truffle
for more information on how to setup truffle visit truffle also include truffle hdwallet provider by runningnpm install @truffle/hdwallet-provider
. finally we need to install solidity compiler v5<= run the following code to install soliditynpm install -g solc
for more information follow solidity to install solidity compiler on your workspace.
after successfuly completing the steps described above you are ready to start running the application.
Running application
in order to deploy our contracts to ethereum network for simulation we have to have a running ethereum serve for that we are going to use ganache-cli.
open terminal window and run ganache-cli
to start the server. when running the above code a local ethereum instance will be created with default 10 accounts that are prefunded with ether. now connect to ganache server with metamask by copying the mnemonic field and using that as a seed phrase for metamask.
open metamask and select the option import using seed phrase this will open a browser window that will prompt you to enter the seed phrase now past the seed phrase in the approprate field and create password for your network and submit the form. you have now successfuly connected ganache server with your browser.
next on the root directory of the project run
truffle compile
to compile the contracts. hoping the contracts compiled with no error run truffle migrate
to migrate the project on the network.
next enter in the frontend directory and run
npm install
to install all the dependencies required for the UI. once every dependency is installed for the project go ahead and run ng serve -o
to compile and serve the application on the browser.
congragulations now you can use the application.
Testing contract
start ganache server by running ganache-cli
on the root directory of the project run
truffle test
all of the available tests should execute.
Use Cases / User Stories.
- Event organizer created event.
- clicks on create event button which will direct him/her to the event creation page.
- user fills required fields about the event (event name, description, location, total available tickets, ticket price in ether, start & end dates)
- user submits the form.
- metamask modal will popup and prompt the user to confirm the transaction and pay the required gas fees.
- after the user confirms the metamask dialog, Event is created and ready to sell tickets.
- Organizer decides to change the event image
- organizer goes to the event detail page and clicks on the choose file button.
- organizer selects the image they want to change with.
- metamask will popup and prompt the user to confirm the transaction by paying the required gas fees.
- after the user confirms the transaction the image will be successfuly changed.
- Event attendee purchase single ticket.
- attendee clicks on the event which will redirect him/her to the event detail page.
- attendee enteres the total amount of ticket he/she requires in this case which is one and clicks o the get ticket button.
- metamask modal will popup and prompt the user to confirm the transaction and pay for the gas and ticket price.
- after confirming and completing the payment the attendee will aquire the ticket for the event.
- Event attendee purchases ticket and deciedes to transfer some or all of it to other person.
- attendee clicks on the event box and get redirected to the event detail page.
- attendee will enter the required amount of ticket he/she want to purchase.
- metamask will prompt the user to confirm the transaction and pay for gas and ticket price.
- after the user confirms the dialog by making the payment he/she will be in postion of the tickets.
- next the user will refresh the page and on the event detail page at the bottom will see the list of ticket owned by him/her.
- on the input box found next to each ticket the user will input address of the reciepent of the ticket to whome they want to transfer the tickets to and clicks transfer.
- metamask popup will prompt the user to confirm the transaction.
- after confirming the user will no longer poses the ticket.
- Event organizer cancels the event.
- after creating the event organizer decieded to cancel the event.
- organizer goes to the event detail page and click cancel event button.
- metamask will prompt the user to confirm the transaction.
- after confirming the transaction the event will be canceled successfuly.
- Event attendees get refunded there ether for canceled events.
- if event organizer decieded to cancel the event attendee will be able refunded of there ether by going to the event detail page.
- user goes to the bottom of the event detail page to find all the tickets purchased by them.
- user select refund button found next to each ticket.
- metamask will popup and prompt the user to confirm the transaction by paying the required gas fee.
- after the user confirms the amount equal to the ticket price will be refunded to them.
- Organizer collect payment after the event have completed.
- organizer goes to the event page after the event has completed.
- organizer clicks on the collect payment payment button.
- metamask will popup and prompt the user to confirm the transaction by paying the required gas fee.
- after the user confirms the prompt all the balance collected by seeling the ticket will be transfered to the organizers account.